Welcome to my page about animal communication!
Animals reflect and think about things that happen around them, just like humans do. They have the
same emotional register as we do and can feel joy, sadness and anticipation. They also have a sense
of humour, just like us!
My dog Basse for instance, had a reflection regarding the subject of ”time”. A very strange thing,
according to him:
“-We have the same time to use, yet you humans usually seem to have no time left. That´s strange…
If you are in the present moment, you make the best of what you´ve got without complicating
Well, that’s one way of looking at it!
In my work as an animal communicator, I want to help interpret between animals and their humans
on issues big and small. We can learn from each other, and often it turns out that what we think are
“problems” are simply misunderstandings.
An important part of my job is communicating with animals that have gone missing. Those
conversations are given priority as we are often fighting against time when an animal is missing.
Please feel free to look around the site and to book a communication with your animal. If there is
anything you are wondering about, just ask!

How can I help you?
Animal Communication
Communicating with animals is something we can all learn. When we are born, telepathy is the natural way to communicate with the world around us. The more we learn to communicate through body language and the spoken language, the more we forget about our ability to use telepathy.
Lost animals
There are many reasons why an animal may go missing. It may have been frightened by something, or curiosity may have taken over and resulted in a very long journey of discovery.
Sometimes the animal may have lost a battle for home territory, and been chased on the run (usually cats). An open window or a door left ajar can tempt adventure.