Missing animals
There are many reasons why an animal may disappear. It may have been frightened by something, or curiosity may have got the better of it and resulted in a very long journey of discovery. Sometimes the animal may have lost a battle for home territory, and been chased on the run (usually cats). An open window or a door left ajar can tempt an adventure.
Either way, not knowing where your beloved animal is or how it is doing is a huge worry. When communicating with a missing animal, the main thing I am looking for is for the animal to describe the surroundings where it is, and preferably any special features or landmarks that can make it easier for the owner to locate where it might be. The animal may be very stressed and frightened, and an important part of the communication is to sense how the animal is feeling and instil some extra courage and strength if needed.
There is an indescribable feeling of gratitude that comes with knowing that an animal has been found and is back in safety. However, a lot can happen to an animal on the move and as much as I want the animal to come home safely, unfortunately there are no guarantees.
Missing animal bookings are given priority and are completed as soon as possible.
I have on a few occasions worked with people during the course of a coordinated search. Someone/some resources have then been allocated to follow up the information I receive from the animal. So far, the results have been very good, but it is important to keep the rest of the search going as planned. If the animal is not found, it is important to know that the area has been properly searched in order to plan the next step.
I do not work with animals that are suspected of being stolen as this could put those involved in danger. If the animal is stolen, that is a job for the police.