About Tillit & Hjärta Animal Communication
My name is Annelie Kristell and I am an educated Animal Communicator. I have been educated by Ulrika Nyqvist (Distance Communications and Missing animals), and Sabine Gartner at Soul & Heart Journey School (Animal Communication Step I and Step II)
“I have always had a great love for animals, and I have strived all my life
to make life as good as possible for the animals around me.”
This led me to take two courses in Authentic Horse Communication with Lina Zacha, in order to have a more natural relationship with my horses.
One of the exercises was about opening your heart to the animal. I was focused on one of my horses, while trying to think with my heart. Suddenly I heard a clear and distinct voice saying happily: “-Here I am!”
Surprised and a little overwhelmed, I finished the exercise immediately! But it set in motion my thoughts about animal communication, and after two years of training, lots of practice and hundreds of conversations with different kinds of animals, I was finally ready to start working!
Now I have been doing this for more than five years as a professional Animal Communicator, and I have so far had the privilege to work with over 2000 animals and their humans.
I chose the name of my business – Tillit & Hjärta (Trust and Heart in English) – because that’s what animal communication is all about for me. Trusting the information you receive, and thinking with your heart!